Measurements needed
Full Length
Sleeve length measured from the nape of the neck
Thigh round
A-B= Full length + 1/2'’
A-D = Waist length
A-C =1/4 chest
Draw perpendiculars from A,C,D and B
A-E=1/2 shoulder+1/4”
A-F =sleeve length measured from the nape of the neck
C-H = ¼ chest +1⅟2”
Produce C-H to G such that C-G =A-F
D-J =C-H.Produce D-J to K such thatD-K =1/2 chest
D-K =B-Q Join K-Q
Mark M on the line B_Q such that B-M =⅟12th seat
Mark L on the line K-Q such that Q - L =⅟6th seat
Join M-L. this is back leg shape.
Draw another curved line M-L Which is front leg shape as shown in the figure. Let the mid - points of the curved line and straight line be 1” apart.
A-R =⅟12th chest +⅟4”
A-N =1”
A-O=1⅟12th chest +⅟2”
Shape front neck O-R and back neck N-R
F-P =1” Join R-P.
G-H =!”. Join P-H
Join L-H by a curved line as shown in the figure.
O-S =front opening line =⅓ chest + ⅟4”
Join shoulders.
Finish sleeve edges by PIPING
Stitch sides.
Join front and back of the Romper by joining along the line M-B-M.Finish thigh round by PIPING or by attaching frills