If the neck is small an opening can be made in front or back of the garment,Mark opening a-b on the garment.Do not cut.Cut a piece of facing P Q X Y, 4” wide and and the length being 2”more than the length of the opening.Mark the line of the opening of the same length on the facing also. Turn1/4 “ under on sides and bottom of the facing ( x-p, p-q and q-y). Fold the facing on the line a-b.Place the edge against the line a-b marked on the garment,keeping right sides together.Line a-b on the garment should coincide with the line a-b on the facing.Secure them with pins.Stitch along the m-b and n-b. (Slant lines} m-a = a-n =1/4” Reinforce at the point b.Cut along the line a-b taking care not to cut the stitches.Turn the facing to the wrong side.Crease along the seam line and press.Hem the edges x-p,p-q and q-y to the garment.
Hi Vani,
I liked your explanation very much. Its so clear and crisp. Share many more such tips please.
Thank you sunitha
pl.how to stich blouse
Hi Vani,
Will you please explain how to stitch kameez neck
Your explaination is superb. Will you please explain how to stitch kameez neck
Hi Durga
Please see here
Hi Vani,
I tried this V -neck opening!...turned out perfectly...!...Thank you so much..!..Could you tell what should be done to alter this to a U - neck opening??
Hi taurean
This opening is for round neck not for v neck.If you want u neck take neck depth more and neck depth little less.draw u neck and proceed.
hai vani bamma how to stich dress neck piping
Hi, mcx nse
Please see here
Thank you for your instructions.At first I could not understand but then I practically tried it and it turned out real beautiful. Thanks.God bless you.
Hi vani
Please share the tutorial for making housecoat
Thanx a lot
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