Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This is to say hello

Hi ! I am vani.I like arts and crafts.I want share my craft work with you all.I hope you like my craft work.I like sewing also.comments and suggestions are invited


Unknown said...

helo vani,
hope ur doing good. Today i saw ur blog it is really useful for all who are interested in stitching i liked ur work a lot.please tell me how to stitch a saree blouse with detailed draft.

Thank you


Unknown said...

helo vani,
hope ur doing good. Today i saw ur blog it is really useful for all who are interested in stitching i liked ur work a lot.please tell me how to stitch a saree blouse with detailed draft.

Thank you


vani said...

I am doing fine.
Thank you very much for your encouraging comments.I will post the method of drafting saree blouse soon.
With best wishes

leshona said...

hi vani i like ur site very much
i am a fashion designer very good with designs n ideas but am worst in stitching
just cant understand tried so many times this is how i am on ur site
can u plz guide me few guidelines on how to instruct a tailor on different patterns
how much fabric is required for an anarkali dress and how to understand how much fabric is required for patterns plz help

leshona said...

hi vani
i hope u will fulfill my request plz explain simple terms like on different darts of blouses and what role they play i mean wat is significance of three dart and two dart

2] also can u tell me how to get good fitting in a dress what is the main factor that designer should look into to ensure a good fit


Unknown said...

YOU are a phenomenal woman, a beautiful person, doing an extraordinary job. you are appreciated
thank you

vani said...

Thank you
best wishes

vani said...

Please see the draft which is at the top of the post.Thank you for pointing out the mistake.Unknowingly I must have deleted it .

the_ultimate_generation said...

thanks for nice blog so helpful.

padma said...

hello vani,
i am interested in stitching and ur blog was very useful, thank u. i read the comments of others and some are interested in learning sari blouse like me but i want to know abt katori blouse. please let me know abt it.
thank you,

Unknown said...

hi Vani,

it is great to have such a valuable info through your blog...

I have a question, how to make a cutting for sleeveless top????? Can you please elaborate it in your next article???

Thanks in advance,

AmeHitory said...

Hello, Vani!
My name is Nina. I'm from Russia ) I'm not very good in sewing, but my daughter is studying Bharatanatyam and we need costumes for performances. So, I began to learn how to sew and your blog so very useful! There is no information in Russian at all. I was happy then I found your blog! Thank you very much for detailed explanations!
If interested, you can see the video with my daughter's performance here:
I sewed this costume due to your blog :))

vani said...

Hello Nina
I am very glad that with the help of my blog you were able to sew . I saw the video .I have posted my comments there.I have also visited a few Russian blogs.and I am very impressed by them.You have stitched the dress well.
Best wishes

Durga said...

Hi Madam,
Thank You for such great help to novice like us.........
Your blogs are detailed and hence very helpful for us to follow it

Taiwo Oluwatoyin said...

hello vani.your blog is nice and educative.thanks for sharing your knoeledge.

Madhubala said...

Hi Vani madam,
your blog is very useful and informative for many people like me.From your tutorials I can get many informations for pattern making and sewing.
I need a suggestion from you that is it worth buying automatic sewing machine.For me I stitch nightie and salwar and some repair works.Many are telling that it is not worth buying automatic sewing machine including sewing machine mechanics.If it is worth buying automatic sewing machine then which brand is good Usha janome or singer and which model?I just have idea to choose allure or wonder stitch or stitch magic.And among these my wish is for wonder stitch.Is the wonder stitch you are having is the same wonder stitch available now?
I personally feel that you can give me a correct suggestion for selecting sewing machine.
Please help me with your valuable reply.
Have a nice day.Keep smiling always.

Unknown said...

Hi vani,
I wanted to know how to calculate other measurements just using chest measurements?is there a way?pls answer.

vani said...

Hi Suchetha
It is here.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot..vani.

Unknown said...

Hi mam
i want to know how to stich storage bags n cell phone pouh. Pls tell me about that.

Unknown said...

hi mam,
thnks a lot fr creating such a useful blog,mam i wud lik t knw how t draft collar tops in detail

Unknown said...

Thanks for ur tutorial mam, very helpful and understand easily. Thanks again