Friday, August 19, 2011

Method of preparing continuous bias

Take a piece of rectangular fabric A-B-C-D .On the wrong side mark a true bias line X-Y. Draw parallel lines to this line at equal intervals. Keep the distance between the lines equal to the width of the bias strip needed. Mark a point P on the first line ¼ “ away from the corner point X. Mark another point Q on the second line , on the opposite side ¼” from the edge A-D.
Right sides together fold the fabric lengthwise. Take threaded needle pass the needle at the point P and then through the point Q. (see Figure 2)

 Tack the edges together with ¼” seam along black line. (Refer figure 1) See how a continuous line has formed! (Refer Figure 3)

Machine stitch. Secure the stitching by stitching once again on the first stitch. Press the seam open. (Refer Figure 4)

 Start cutting from the part of the line 1 as shown in the figure 5.
Continue cutting round and round on the marked lines. You will get continuous bias strip (Figure 6)


Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [20 Aug 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Anitha Jayaraj said...

thank you so much vani for this post. very useful tutorial for all who love stitiching.

You have a very informative blog. thank you.


studiostitches said...

hi, Great blog full of excellent quick tutorials. I've featured it in my blog.

Mahila herbal Sanitary napkin said...

Hello Mam, Can you post, how to stitch different pockets in chudi tops, frocks, and in nighties.

Unknown said...

Wow..amazing...thank u so much vani mam

Unknown said...

Hi mam...I found what I wanted in bound placket...thank u so much..I am so happy I found ur blog...